วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

บทที่ 10 ปัญหาค่าขอบรอยต่อ Boundary Problems

บทที่ 10
ปัญหาค่าขอบรอยค่อ (Boundary Value Problems)

10.1 ส่วนนำ
การติวเสริมนี้ออกแบบขึ้นมาเพื่อให้เราคุ้นเคยวิธีการยิงแก้ปัญหาค่าเงื่อนไขขอบ  นี่เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักของคอมพิวเตอร์ของสุขภาพ
ปัญหา 10.1.  แต่แรกสุดก่อนอื่นเราจะมองไปที่วิธีการแก้ปัญหาสมการทั่วไป
          10.2  แก้สมการ
                10.2.1 พล็อตกราฟ(Plotting)
สมมุติว่าเราต้องการหาค่าของ x = (x1, x2)  กล่าวคือ
k(x1^2 + x^2) -2 = 0
k sin(x1x2) = 0                                                (10.1)
สำหรับบางค่าของ  k.
บางครั้งสิ่งแรกที่เราควรทำคือพล็อตฟังก์ชันเหล่านี้  เราจำต้องกำหนดฟังก์ชันให้ ดังนั้นเราสามารถใช้รูทีนการพล็อตของไซแลบที่เป็นมาตรฐาน  จึงแนะนำให้กำหนด 2 ฟังก์ชันสำหรับ 2 องค์ประกอบของฟังก์ชัน

function z = eqn1(x,y)
z = k*(x**2+y**2) - 2;
function z = eqn2(x,y)
z = k*sin(x*y);

เราสามารถพล็อตฟังก์ชันโดยใช้ fplot3d หรือฟังก์ชัน fcontour2d 

k = 1;
x = -4:0.1:4;
y = x;
xbasc(); fplot3d(x,y,eqn2)

Notice that we have set the value of k and it is being passed through to the
function eqn1 implicitly.
Contour plots can sometimes be easier to work with. A contour plot for the
first function can be obtained via
xbasc(); fcontour2d(x,y,eqn1,[0 5 10 20 25]);
Not that we have asked for the contour lines for 0 up to 25 in steps of 5. Make
sure you have a look at the plot.
Now let us over plot with the contours of the second function.
fcontour2d(x,y,eqn2, [0,1]);
The overall plot is quite complicated (at least to me). Perhaps you might like to
plot both functions separately to get an idea of the “shape” of both. But with
both contour plots on the same graph, us the 2d zoom facility of Scilab to get
an approximate solution (3 sig figs) of equation (10.1) (for k = 1).
10.2.2 Equation Solver
It is useful to automate the solution of equations. We have studied the use of
Newton’e method earlier in the course. Scilab provides a procedure to solve
general equations. The procedure is called fsolve. This procedure requires an
initial guess and the equations written as a Scilab function. For our problem
we would produce a Scilab function as such
function y = f(x)
y(1) = eqn1(x(1),x(2));
y(2) = eqn2(x(1),x(2));
where the functions eqn1 and eqn2 were defined in the last section. Of course
you could define the function without using eqn1 and eqn2. Unfortunately the
fsolve function expects a very particular form, which is different than the calling
form for the plotting routines.
We would store this in a file and use exec to load the function. We could
then solve the equation using fsolve, as such
[x,y] = fsolve([0;0], f)
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 69
Does the solution provided by fsolve match the one you discovered manually?
It might be useful to get some feedback about what fsolve is doing. One way
is to provide some output from the function. Redefine the function f as such:
function y = f(x)
y(1) = eqn1(x(1),x(2));
y(2) = eqn2(x(1),x(2));
printf(’x(1)=%15e x(2)=%15e y(1)=%15e y(2)=%15e\n’,x(1),x(2),y(1),y(2))
Take note of the printf function. This is the formatted print command (like
the corresponding C procedure). The formatting is accomplished using the codes
like %15e which will produce a decimal number using 15 characters.
You might even want to produce graphical output from your f function.
10.3 Two Point Boundary Problem
Consider the two-point boundary value problem
y′′ = 10y3 + 3y + t2, 0 t 1,
with boundary conditions
y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1,
We will try to use the shooting method to solve this problem.
To use the shooting method we must first be able to solve the initial value
problem. Then we must be able to test many initial conditions to find our required
• First setup a function which defines the differential equation using the call-
ing sequence
function udot = shootode(t,u)
• Check your function by solving the ode with initial conditions y(0) = 0,
y(0) = 1.
• Plot the solution. Mine looks like the following
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
• What is the value of y at 1? (I got about 5.1).
• Take your ode solver (with your plotting routines) and produce a function
with calling sequence
function y = fshoot(s)
which takes an initial value for the slope at 0 and returns the value of
y(1) 1. For instance you should approximately get fshoot(1.0) should
return approximately 4.1.
• Finally use the fsolve function to find an approximation to the boundary
value problem.
Here is the graphical result I obtained when running fsolve(1,fshoot).
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 71
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
10.4 Exercise
Solve the two-point boundary value problem
y′′ = 8y3 + 3y 10, 0 t 1,
with boundary conditions
y(0) = 0, y(1) = 2,
Hint: You might have to hunt for a good starting value for the slope, some-
where between 2 and 3.9.
What is the slope at 0 for the function which solve this boundary value prob-

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

บทที่ 11 ความร้อนและสมการคลื่น

บทที่ 11

11.1 ส่วนนำ
            การเอกสารเสริมการเรียนรู้นี้ออกแบบมาให้ผู้นสนใจได้คุ้นเคยกับบางวิธีการสำหรับแก้ปัญหาสมาการอนุพันธ์บางส่วนที่ขึ้นกับเวลา  โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเราจะนำวิธีการที่แตกต่างที่ชัดไปใช้ที่ได้นำเสนอไว้เป็นเบื้องต้นในการบรรยายเพื่อแก้สมการความร้อน และสมการคลื่น   ในเอกสารเสริมนี้จะนำผู้สนใจผ่านกระบวนการพัฒนาชุดของฟังก์ชันหนึ่ง ซึ่งจะนำไปใช้ข้างหน้าและที่ผ่านมาของวิธีของ Euler สำหรับสมการความร้อนและวิธีกบกระโดดสำหรับสมการคลื่น  เพื่อที่จะประหยัดเวลาในการพิมพ์  ผู้ใช้สามารถใช้วิธีคัดลอกรหัสคำสั่ง (code) ที่อธิบายในเอกสารนี้มาอยู่ในไฟล์บนเครื่องซึ่งสามารถรันด้วยไซแลบ โดยคิดให้ผู้ใช้ใช้ชื่อไฟล์ว่า tute_10.sce ที่ใส่รหัสคำสั่งทั้งหมดไว้ 
ut = cuxx     0 x 1,    t    0
u(0, x) = f(x)       u(t, 0) = α           u(t, 1) = β
utt = cuxx           0 x 1,         t    0
u(0, x) = f(x)       ut(0, x) = g(x)
u(t, 0) = α         u(t, 1) = β.

11.2 สมการความร้อน
แรกสุดเราจะมุ่งเน้นไปที่สมการความร้อน  วิธีง่ายที่สุดที่แตกต่างเด่นชัด อยู่บนฐานของวิธีของ Euler และกำหนดไว้ดังนี้

ที่ซึ่ง u j k   j แทนคำตอบโดยประมาณ u(k△t, j△x)  จากนี้เราทำให้ช่วง[0,1]เป็นดิสครีต  เข้าไป/p n+1 points  xj = j△x ที่ซึ่ง x = 1/n   และช่วงเวลาเข้าไปในเวลาดิสครีต tk = k△t.

เพื่อนำไปใช้ประโยชน์ในตอนนี้  วิธี stepping เราต้องการเว็คเตอร์หนึ่งเพื่อบรรจุค่า u ไว้ที่ช่วงเวลาเฉพาะหนึ่ง ในความจริงเป็นประโยชน์ที่มีอีกเว็คเตอร์สำหรับเวลาที่ผ่านมา  ขณะที่อินพุตให้กับฟังก์ชัน heat  เราทำตัวบ่งชี้คือ 
1. the number of subintervals n in the x dimension,
2. the size of the time step dt,
3. a function f defining the initial conditions,
4. the left boundary value alpha and
5. the right boundary value beta.
function [] = heat(n,dt,f,alpha,beta)
// Setup parameters
// Setup initial conditions
// Setup Boundary conditions
// Plot the initial conditions
// The main time loop
Cut and paste this into your Scilab file heat.sce.
Now let us expand the code. First, let us look at setting up parameters, as
this allows us to define some variables for subsequent use. I chose the following
// Setup parameters
c = 1.0;
dx = 1/n;
lambda = dt/dx^2*c;
x = (0:dx:1)’;
t = 0;
Note that I am using the comment lines to help you place the code correctly.
I needed c to define the constant in the heat equation, dx is obvious, lambda
is a useful combination of parameters that occurs in the updating of the solution
vector (by the way, the dt is being passed in so that you can play with changing
it to test stability). I have created an x vector so that I can plot our result x
versus u. A variable for time t is useful for the main time loop. Cut and Paste
this code into your file tute_10.sce in the initial part of the function.
The initial condition will be given by the value of a function f at the x values.
It turns out that we also need a second u vector u1 which we create at this point.
We simply use
// Setup initial conditions
u0 = f(x);
u1 = zeros(u0);
We will need to define a function f. Lets do something simple like a sin curve.
I used
function u=fsin(x)
u = sin(%pi*k*x)
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 75
Put this in another file util.sce file. This file will hold extra functions which
can be used independently of the heat equation function.
The boundary conditions can be simply set to α at the left hand end of u0
and β at the right hand end.
// Setup Boundary conditions
u0(1) = alpha;
u0($) = beta;
In most simulations it is useful to plot out results. This is particularly useful
when coding up a method as it often points to errors in the code. So lets plot
the initial condition. I suggest something like
// Plot the initial conditions
The xselect() will bring the graphics window to the front and the myplot
function is just a function to plot x versus u vectors. Copy this code to the
correct position within your file.
Now we also have to define our plotting routine. I used
function []=myplot(x,u)
wait = 50000;
The main part of this function is just the standard plot2d command. I have
added the xpause to make the plots look nicer when we have our time evolution
working. The command leaves the plot up for at least the specified number of
microseconds. Put a copy of this function in your utility file util.sce.
Lets try our code. Save your file and in the Scilab command window load
in the functions and run the heat function.
exec heat.sce
exec util.sce
n=20; heat(n,0.5/n^2,fsin,0,-1)
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The right boundary condition doesn’t match up with the initial conditions.
We could run our method with this incompatibility, but let’s fix up the boundary
conditions. With new boundary conditions try
n=20; heat(n,0.5/n^2,fsin,0,0)
Nothing happens.
Now we can go back the code and add in the time evolution part. We need a
loop, we can use a for loop but I like using a while loop based on time. I.e. I
suggest using
// The main time loop
while t<1
// Update the solution vector
This loop is a little incorrect, in that it may overshoot the final time by dt.
Not to worry. The main thing now is how to update the solution vector. The
most obvious way is to use a for loop to implement the finite difference update
j = uk
j +
_x2 􀀀uk
j+1 2 uk
j + uk
The uk
j values will be stored in u0 and the new values uk+1
j in the vector u1.
Once the update is completed we will over write u0 with the new u1. The code
// Update the solution vector
for j=2:n
u1(j) = (1-2*lambda)*u0(j) ...
+ lambda*u0(j+1) + lambda*u0(j-1);
u0 = u1;
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It is always important to get the range of j correct. We only need to work
with the interior points. There are actually n+1 entries in u0 and u1 and so the
range j=2:n corresponds to interior points.
An alternative method to the for loop is to use the array notation in Scilab
// Update the solution vector
u1(2:$-1) = (1-2*lambda)*u0(2:$-1) ...
+ lambda*u0(3:$) + lambda*u0(1:$-2);
u0 = u1;
This second method will be more efficient in Scilab though the for method
is closer to what you would use in C or Fortran.
Perhaps use the first method initially and change over to the second if the
evolution seems slow. As we will be plotting the solution for every iteration the
overall speed of the method will be slow anyway. The array method becomes
more important for higher dimensional problems.
Lets see if our method works. Add in the time loop code, load in the code
with exec and run the heat command again. You might like to increase the
number of grid points to say 100.
To stop the evolution you can use the Control menu with the pause, resume
and abort commands.
Lets try another initial condition. Go back to your code and add the following
function to your utility file.
function u=fline(x)
u = 0.5-x;
This is a solution of the Heat equation with the boundary conditions α = 0.5
and β = 0.5. The exact solution to the heat equation with this set of boundary
conditions is the straight line between these two points. Let’s check how our
solver works.
exec heat.sce; exec util.sce
Why is the solution changing? Go back to your code and find the bug and
fix it so that the boundary condition is set properly.
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11.2.1 Stability
Our analysis of the method tells us that we need _t < _x2
2c for stability. Let’s
see what happens if we go over this constraint. Try
n=100; heat(n,0.52/n^2,fsin,0.0,0.0)
After some time you should see instabilities arising.
11.3 Wave Equation
Let’s quickly produce an implementation of the leap frog method for the wave
equation. We need to implement the algorithm
j = 2 uk
j uk1
j + c
_x2 􀀀uk
j+1 uk
j + uk
We will use three vectors u2 to hold uk+1
j , u1 to hold uk
j and u0 to hold uk1
j .
The structure is similar to that for the heat equation.
function [] = wave(n,dt,f,g,alpha,beta)
// Setup parameters
c = 1.0;
dx = 1/n;
lambda = dt^2/dx^2*c;
x = (0:dx:1)’;
// Setup initial and
// boundary conditions
u0 = f(x);
u0(1) = alpha; u0($) = beta;
u1 = zeros(u0);
if (g==1) then
u1(2:$-1) = u0(1:$-2);
elseif (g==-1) then
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 79
u1(2:$-1) = u0(3:$);
u1(2:$-1) = 0.5*(u0(1:$-2)+u0(3:$));
u1(1) = alpha; u1($) = beta;
u2 = zeros(u0);
u2(1) = alpha; u2($) = beta;
// Plot the initial conditions
// The main time loop
while t<20
// Update the solution vector
for j=2:n
u2(j) = (2-2*lambda)*u1(j) - u0(j) ...
+ lambda*u1(j+1) + lambda*u1(j-1);
11.3.1 Experimentation
We can use the initial conditions for u that we used for the heat equation.
Add in the code in the previous subsection to a wave.sce file. Load in the
new functions using exec. Now play around with the code. For instance try
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 80
n=100; wave(n,1/n,fsin,0,0,0)
Hopefully you will see an “oscillating string”.
Lets try a different initial condition, A bump in the middle of the string.
function u = fbump(x)
c = 0.5; w = 0.125;
cl = c-w;
cr = c+w;
u = bool2s(x>cl & x<=cr)
See how we can use comparisons to create interesting functions.
Now try out this initial condition
n=100; wave(n,1/n,fbump,0,0,0)
It looks cool as the disturbance reflects off the boundaries. It is amazing, we
are actually getting the exact solution.
You can get the bump to move either to the right or left using the g argument.
n=100; wave(n,1/n,fbump,1,0,0)
n=100; wave(n,1/n,fbump,-1,0,0)
11.3.2 Stability
Try testing the stability of the method for slightly larger timesteps. For even
slightly larger timesteps than 1/n you should see growing modes in the solution,
especially if you use the bump as an initial condition. The effect is not seen so
quickly if you use smoother initial conditions.
11.4 Exercises
1. You might like to play with a solver for the heat equation which uses the
implicit Euler method. Here is the code
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 81
function [] = iheat(n,dt,f,alpha,beta)
// Setup parameters
c = 1.0;
dx = 1/n;
lambda = dt/dx^2*c;
x = (0:dx:1)’;
// Call f to setup initial
// conditions. u1 set to same
// size as u0
u0 = f(x);
// Setup the matrix A as a
// sparse matrix
A = (1+2*lambda)*diag(sparse(ones(n-1,1))) ...
-lambda*diag(sparse(ones(n-2,1)),-1) ...
// Setup Boundary conditions
u0(1) = alpha
u0($) = beta
// Plot the initial conditions
// The main time loop
Computational Science, Scilab Tutorials 82
while t<20
t = t+dt
u0(2:$-1) = A\(u0(2:$-1))
n=100; iheat(n,1/n,fsin,0,0)
It evolves so quickly you might want to change the wait time in the myplot
n=100; iheat(n,1/n,fbump,0,0)
2. Use the code for heat and iheat to produce a program that solves the heat
equation using the Crank Nicolson method. Try a smooth initial condi-
tion like fsin and a rough initial condition like fbump. Something strange
happens with the rough initial condition.
You might like to experiment with Crank Nicolson using fsin, but with
progressively high frequencies. Can you make a conjecture about the rela-
tive efficiency of Crank Nicolson to damp out errors at different frequencies.
How does this explain the observed behaviour of Crank Nicolson method
on the fbump initial data.